ATM grupa


Gra w ciemno (Clueless)

Director: Okil Khamidov

Write:r Okil Khamidov

Production manager: Przemyslaw Kmiotek

Airs on: TV Polsat (2005-2007)


Optioned in more than 10 territories, licensed in Italy, Greece, Spain, Czech Republic…
Clueless combines elements of decision-making and high-stakes gambling in an absolutely riveting game show. Clueless begins with the host and a contestant sitting at a table with a paper shredder between them. The contestant begins by choosing five numbered envelopes from a board of 50. Each envelope has a check inside worth an unknown value, ranging anywhere from 0 to 100,000 Euros.
Next, the host poses 5 multiple choice questions that the contestant tries to answer. For each correct answer, the player gets to keep one envelope, but for every incorrect an-swer, he or she has to shred one. But there’s more…
After the five questions, the host starts offering the player various amounts of money to tempt them to trade their envelopes for cash. Not knowing how much money is in each envelope makes the decision very difficult and the contestant is put under a great deal of pressure. After several offers of different amounts for each of the envelopes the player becomes totally confused as to whether and which offer or offers he or she should accept. Only the viewers have a full overview of the state of the game – information about the player’s account and the host’s proposals are displayed at home on their screens.
Since the Spring season of 2005 Clueless has anchored Polsat’s daily prime access line-up and has been commissioned in several territories, always with good ratings. On TVE in Spain, Clueless increased the slot average by almost 50%. The format has already been commissioned in a number of new territories for 2008.



ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników opłat za udział w programach ani castingach.

W związku z docierającymi do nas wiadomościami o próbach podszywania się pod ATM Grupa S.A. informujemy, że ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników i potencjalnych uczestników ŻADNYCH opłat za udział w programach czy castingach do tych programów.

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