ATM grupa


Privacy Policy of ATM Grupa S.A.

Privacy Policy of ATM Grupa S.A.

outlining the principles for the use of cookies and for the processing of personal data collected when using our website available at or our social media.

“User” shall be understood as a person who uses the Internet to access websites that use cookies. 

  1. 1. Personal data controller

The controller of your personal data is ATM GRUPA S.A. with its registered office in Bielany Wrocławskie, ul. Dwa Światy 1, 55-040 Bielany Wrocławskie, KRS [National Court Register] no. 0000157203, NIP [Tax Identification Number] 8971008712.

For any matters related to personal data processing you can contact us also by email at: 

  1. 2. Purpose and legal basis for data processing 

We use cookies in order to ensure that our website, which is an important source of our information, is displayed correctly, to facilitate navigation on the website, to present our business and products, as well as for statistical and marketing purposes.

In addition, we have set up social media profiles for our business to promote our brand and our productions, accept submissions and for statistical purposes.

The processing of data involved in the administration of our website and social media profiles is based on the consent granted by Users (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR) – where we ask for such consent – or on our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). More information about the legal basis for processing can be found in the description of the IT solutions we use below. 

  1. 3. Period of data retention 

We will process your data until you withdraw your consent or object to the processing.

  1. 4. Information on cookies used 

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files, in particular text files, sent by a server and stored on the User’s computer. Cookies allow the website to recognise the User’s device and correctly display its content, in line with the User’s preferences. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they originate from, the time they have been stored on the device and a unique number. 

What do we use cookies for?

Cookies are used to customise the content of our website according to the User’s preferences and to optimise the browsing experience. They are also used to monitor website traffic, to generate statistics and analyses that improve our understanding of how the Users use our website so that we can further improve its layout and content. The information obtained helps us to produce statistics on the number of new and regular users and enables us to analyse the pages visited and create reports on the website’s performance. With that we can continuously improve the navigation on our website and enhance the quality of our services. Cookies may also be used to change the appearance or version of the website (cookies designed to customise the User interface for the duration of the session or longer), to display multimedia elements on the website (media player session cookies), to store session data, counter or survey results, for marketing purposes (marketing cookies designed to deliver advertising content) and for security purposes (cookies used for detecting security breaches). Cookies may also be used by our partners and the advertisers we cooperate with. 

What types of cookies do we use?

We use two types of cookies on our website: session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that remain on the User’s device until the User logs out, exits the website or closes the Internet browser. Permanent cookies, in turn, remain on the User’s device for the time specified in their parameters or until they are manually deleted. 

Data collection

As is common practice with most websites, we store (http/https) queries sent to our server, including geolocation information, the language of the website visitor and random session ID data. Browsed resources are identified by URLs. The exact list of information stored in the server log files contains:

  • – public IP address of the computer from which the query was sent,
  • – name of the User’s station – identification via http/https protocol, if possible,
  • – receipt time of the query,
  • – first line of the http/https query,
  • – http/https response code,
  • – number of bytes sent by the server,
  • – URL of the website previously visited by the User (referrer link), if the User clicked a link that sent them to the website from another website,
  • – information about the User’s browser,
  • – error information, if any.

This data is not used to identify specific visitors to the website. 

Use of data

The logs are stored indefinitely and can be used to support the administration of the website. The information contained in such logs may be disclosed only to authorised administrators of the server and the website. The logs may be used to generate statistics without any information that identifies the visitors to the website. 

Deleting and disabling cookies

By default, web browsers allow cookies to be placed on the User’s terminal device. The User may at any time change their browser settings in order to disable cookies (block their automatic handling) or be notified about their transmission to their computer. Detailed information about the option and methods of cookies management is available in the browser settings. Remember that restricting cookies may affect some of the functions available on the website. See the instructions below on how to change the cookie settings in popular web browsers:

  • – for Google Chrome, a description of the cookie settings is available here.
  • – for Microsoft Internet Explorer, a description of the cookie settings is available here.
  • – for Mozilla Firefox, a description of the cookie settings is available here.
  • – for Opera, a description of the cookie settings is available here.

For other browsers, please refer to the “Help” section or contact the browser developer for information on how to change your cookie settings. 

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. When accessing these websites, you should read their Privacy Policies, as we are not responsible for the privacy practices followed by third party websites. 

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics (GA) and Analytics Universal (AU): web analytics services provided by Google Ireland Limited, Dublin, Ireland (hereinafter “Google”). These tools use cookies for gathering information such as IP address, network location, date of visit, operating system and browser type. You can disable these files in the above-mentioned browser settings.

The information collected by GA and AU is usually sent to and stored on a Google server in the USA. However, due to the IP anonymisation requirement the IP addresses of Users from EU Member States or other countries of the European Economic Area are first shortened by Google (in exceptional cases the full IP address may be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there). Google uses the data obtained to generate analytics for the website owner, provided on their dashboard. The analyses concern broadly-understood website activity and the use of the Internet by Users. The IP address provided by Google Analytics will not be merged with other data stored by Google.

The data is processed in order to allow us to evaluate the use of our website and to produce aggregate reports concerning Users’ activity on the site. The processing is therefore based on our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). 

Social media: Facebook and Instagram

Whenever a social media User posts a comment on our profiles or otherwise reacts to our post, for example, by liking or following our profile, they disclose to us their personal data to the extent it is available to the public on such social media websites. By reacting you grant a consent for the processing of your data by us and other members of these social media in line with the general principle of operation of social media.


Due to the nature of our business our website includes YouTube videos, which involve the use of cookies. These cookies store the preferences of the User playing the videos. In this case the processing is based on our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).

  1. 5. Data recipients 

Users’ personal data may be disclosed to persons with whom we have entered into personal data processing agreements or whom we have authorised to process personal data, including members of the ATM Grupa group of companies – for the purpose of IT, analytical and marketing activities, as well as entities authorised to receive data under the provisions of law. We make every effort to ensure that the entities to whom we provide data are aware of the regulations and procedures under the GDPR and national data protection legislation, and that such entities meet high standards of data protection, including by implementing the organisational and technical measures required by law.

  1. 6. Rights of the data subjects 

We facilitate the exercise of rights by data subjects, in particular with respect to:

  • – the right of access to their personal data,
  • – the right to request the rectification of their personal data if the data we process is erroneous or outdated,
  • – the right to erasure of their personal data (“right to be forgotten”)
  • – the right to request the restriction of the processing of their personal data,
  • – the right to object to the processing of their personal data processed on the basis of our legitimate interest,
  • – the right to withdraw consent to processing – where the processing is based on the data subject’s consent; in such cases the withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of actions taken prior to such withdrawal,
  • – the right to data portability.

If the data subject finds that their personal data is processed in breach of the law, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority competent for the processing of personal data (the President of the Personal Data Protection Office).

  1. 7. Automated decision-making 

Users’ personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

  1. 8. Is it a statutory or contractual obligation to provide data? 

The provision of data is voluntary.

ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników opłat za udział w programach ani castingach.

W związku z docierającymi do nas wiadomościami o próbach podszywania się pod ATM Grupa S.A. informujemy, że ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników i potencjalnych uczestników ŻADNYCH opłat za udział w programach czy castingach do tych programów.

Apelujemy o ostrożność.