Magdalena Zielska
Creative producer
Member of the Polish Film Academy. She has been associated with ATM Grupa since 2020. She produces films, TV series, commercials and music videos. She was responsible for the success of the cult film and series "Pitbull" directed by Patryk Vega in the years 2005-2008 (TVP2) and the series "Prosecutor" („Prokurator”) (TVP 2) based on the script by Zygmunt and Wojciech Miłoszewski, which in 2016 was honored with the Eagle statuette in the Best Film Fiction Series category. She co-created two series of Comedy Central adaptations of the comedy format “Drunk History”. For many years she was associated with Waldemar Dziki's production studio as an assistant producer, head of production, and then as an independent producer. She collaborated in the production of the films "In Desert and Wilderness" („W pustyni i w puszczy”) directed by Gavin Hood (2001), "Out of Love" („Z Miłości”) directed by Anna Jadowska, or "Chemistry" („Chemia”) directed by Bartek Prokopowicz and the series "Artists" („Artyści”) directed by Monika Strzępka (TVP2). She also achieved success with the documentary "Icon" („Ikona”) (2016) directed by Wojciech Kasperski, which was showered with awards at the Krakow Film Festival (2016) and won the Silver Medal at the New York Festivals (2017).