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Women and the Mafia to air from October 6 on TV4

A remarkable Polish documentary series, Women and the Mafia, will air on TV4 from October 6 (Fridays, 11 p.m.). The series was previously broadcast on 13 Ulica.

Spanning 6 episodes, Women and the Mafia zeros in on the mothers, wives and daughters of gangsters. It explores their personal relationships with members of the so-called Polish mafia and probes the ways in which the crime world affected their outlook and life choices. The women are interviewed by journalist Ewa Ornacka, who has authored a number of books on organized crime. The series is written and directed by Artur Kowalewski and Wojciech Borkowski. Artur Kowalewski, who also helmed The Mafia Alphabet (2004), is the producer. Women and the Mafia is produced by ATM GRUPA.


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ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników opłat za udział w programach ani castingach.

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