ATM grupa


Telekamery 2020: „Father Matthew” and „The Pawn shop” awarded again!

„Father Matthew” (Ojciec Mateusz) has won the Golden Telekamera! „The Pawn Shop” (Lombard. Życie pod zastaw) has gotten viewers’ recognition for the third straight year. Congratulations!

2020 Telekamera Awards

This year saw the 23rd edition of Telekameras. The award gala was held at the Polski Theatre in Warsaw and was broadcast live by TV Puls. The awards were presented in eleven categories.

Once again, our productions are among the winners of the prestigious awards sponsored by Tele Tydzień magazine.

„Father Matthew” received the Golden Telekamera, Poland’s most prestigious award for television shows. During the acceptance speech, actor Artur Żmijewski joked about his alleged plans to withdraw from the series: „The rumours of my death are premature”, he said. Actress Kinga Preis, winner of the Telekamera for best actress (for performances in „Father Matthew” and „Stulecie Winnych”), then added: „Keep your fingers crossed for clerical celibacy to be abolished!”. The audience applauded her quip.

„The Pawn Shop” triumphed, for the third time in a row, in the scripted pseudo-documentaries category. As a result, the series produced by TV Puls and Studio A (ATM Grupa subsidiary) will receive a Golden Telekamera next year!

„We are truly and threefold proud of this third consecutive award. It means that the audience really loves our show and its characters. It is, for all of us, a shot of energy to keep working”, said Studio A CEO Anna Skowrońska during her acceptance speech.

We would like to once again congratulate the producers and the crews of the shows. We are also grateful to all those who voted for our productions!



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