ATM grupa


Success Without Borders to launch on Canal+ Discovery

The first episode of the documentary series Success Without Borders, which presents stories of Polish emigrants, kicks off tonight on Canal+ Discovery.

The 10-episode series will air on Canal+ Discovery each Monday at 9pm starting on August 29. Hosted by Tomasz Kin, each episode will feature the story of Polish emigrants who, often combining hard work and talent, have become respected members of their local communities abroad, including in Europe, America and Asia.

Polish artists, scientists and businesspeople will explain why they left behind their safe lives and families, and show how their lives changed after leaving Poland. They will talk about the challenges they faced in their adopted countries and how they learned the new language and culture.

‘I hope the viewers will see the good job done by the latest generation of Polish emigrants and the respect they are held in by local communities. I have witnessed what it means to be Polish in the world. I even coined a saying: ‘Our best traits come out after we leave our country’, says Tomasz Kin.

The series is produced by ATM Grupa S.A.


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