The series “Ratownicy”, produced by Profilm (ATM Group), TFT and TVP 1, has received six nominations of the 51st Monte Carlo Television Festival, which will be held between June 6 and June 10, 2011.
“Ratownicy” is the only Polish series recognized at this prestigious industry event. Among the nominees are Natalia Rybicka and Dorota Landowska for best actress, Tomasz Schuchardt and Przemysław Bluszcz for best actor, and the series’ producers, Profilm Agencja Filmowa, TFT and TVP, for best European producer and best international producer. Other nominees include the latest seasons of “Mad Men”, “Lost”, “Dexter”, “Misfits” (UK), “The Slave Hunters” (South Korea), “Cell H51” (France), “Rookie Blue” (Canada), “East West 101” (Australia), “Government” (Denmark) and “The Borgias” (Ireland).
Winners will be announced on June 10 at the festival’s closing gala attended by Prince Albert II of Monaco and television representatives from all over the world.
“Ratownicy” is the first-ever television series to follow the adventures of a mountain rescue team. Currently the finishing touches are being put on the script of the second season of the series. Shooting is scheduled to begin in late summer. New episodes will premiere in 2012.
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