ATM grupa


Quad biking, climbing and cave sleeping – shooting for “Mikroprzygoda” (Micro-adventure), produced for CANAL+ DISCOVERY…

Quad biking, climbing and cave sleeping – shooting for “Mikroprzygoda” (Micro-adventure), produced for CANAL+ DISCOVERY, began on July 17, but you can still apply to be on the show. The auditions for the show, run by ATM Grupa, are still being held.

“Mikroprzygoda”, a show produced by ATM Grupa for CANAL+ DISCOVERY, started shooting in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Participants faced a number of challenges, including quad racing and rock climbing.

This is just the start of the extraordinary exploits of daredevils who enter the show. “Mikroprzygoda” will be shot in many fantastic parts of Poland, including the Bieszczady and Pieniny Mountains, the Masurian Lakeland, Lower Silesia and Kashubia. The producers keep mum about the most extraordinary adventures, but plans include canoeing down the Dunajec, a trip into a mine, a night spent on an island, raft building and bog crossing.

The auditions for “Mikroprzygoda” are underway. You can apply yourself or nominate your friends. Just download the application form from, answer a few questions, describe yourself briefly, attach two photos and email the completed application back.

CANAL+ DISCOVERY combines positive emotions, extraordinary adventures and true stories of people from Poland and abroad whose personal experiences and achievements are horizon-broadening and inspirational. The channel brings viewers a choice of quality documentaries, films and shows.


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