ATM grupa


Policewomen and Policemen commands a 2 million audience

More than 2 million viewers tuned in to TV4 to watch the drama series Policewomen and Policemen this week.

The four episodes that aired this week averaged 2,320,000 viewers. On Wednesday the hit series drew the highest audience so far, 2,950,000, with a 13.8% share (4+ age group), outperforming the Monday episode which attracted 2,780,00 viewers with a 13.3% share. When the record-breaking episodes were on the air, TV4 was the most watched terrestrial channel in the 16–49 demographic.

A new season, which is due to air this spring, will start filming in December. The series is produced by ATM GRUPA.


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ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników opłat za udział w programach ani castingach.

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