For media

15 July 2016

„Policjantki i policjanci”: Wielki sukces i nowy sezon

We Wrocławiu rozpoczęły się zdjęcia do nowej, piątej już serii odcinków niekwestionowanego hitu Czwórki – „Policjantek i policjantów”.…

28 June 2016

CEO of ATM Grupa S.A. in conversation with Wirtualne Media

TVP has not yet signed deals with ATM Grupa S.A. to renew Father Matthew and The Girls from…

9 June 2016

Halina Skoczyńska passes away

It is with deep sorrow that we say goodbye to Halina Skoczyńska, the actress who appeared in our…

8 June 2016

Internet users go for Wataha

According to a report released by the media agency MEC, Wataha is the only Polish production among the…

8 June 2016

The World of Father Matthew to open in Sandomierz!

In a discussion panel held as part of the Cities Studio, presented by Gazeta Wyborcza daily in Sandomierz,…

8 June 2016

Undressed: Italian hit show is coming to Poland

Two strangers, one bed and 30 minutes to make your decision. Are you ready for a romantic experiment?…

8 June 2016

First Love is the top earner among series

Two ATM-produced shows are among the series that attracted the highest advertising revenue in the first three months…

17 May 2016

Wynalazcy przyszłości: ATM Grupa S.A.’s new show kicks off January 6 on Canal+ Discovery

Polish scientists score spectacular successes on the international stage, and it is mostly outside Poland that they are…

17 May 2016

9. miesiąc: a new series for TV4

9. miesiąc (Ninth Month) is a new series produced by ATM Grupa S.A. for TV4 (Czwórka). Slated to…