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New drama, Lena Barska, to debut on TV4 this fall

A new weekly drama show called Lena Barska, which follows the personal and professional life of the titular attorney, is due to kick off in October on TV4.

The show’s central character, a family law attorney, is an attractive 40-year-old woman, mother of two teens. While a committed professional, she also has a lighter side with a capacity for humor and self-deprecation. Lena Barska is perfect in her role of legal office manager and attorney, but her personal life – owing to some members of her wacky patchwork family – is often plunged into chaos.

The lighter, often amusing subplots that track the lives of the show’s main characters are interwoven with poignant stories of Lena’s clients, whom she helps to overcome difficult, sometimes harrowing problems.

The protagonist is portrayed by theater, film and television actress Izabella Bukowska, who appears opposite Piotr Wiszniowski, Andrzej Pieńko, Marta Termena, Ludmiła Warzecha and two talented teenagers, Natalia Idzikiewicz and Kuba Dyniewicz.

The show is produced by ATM Quad Band S.A. for TV4.

Photo. Grzegorz Kamola


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