The series Lena Barska follows the personal and professional life of the titular attorney. The lighter, often comedic subplots that track the lives of the show’s main characters are interwoven with poignant stories of Lena’s clients, whom she helps to overcome difficult, sometimes harrowing problems.
The show’s central character, a family law attorney, is an attractive 40-year-old woman, mother of two teens. While a committed professional, she also has a lighter side with a capacity for humor and self-deprecation. Lena Barska is perfect in her role of legal office manager and attorney, but her personal life – owing to some members of her wacky patchwork family – is often descends into chaos.
The main culprits are Lena’s teenage kids, Aśka and Wojtek, who often give their mother heart palpitations. Their teenage problems run the whole gamut from zits to getting in trouble with the law. Things are often exacerbated by her husband, Jurek, a spontaneous good-for-nothing who is alone to blame for the breakup of their marriage. Jurek is now involved with a slightly eccentric, overemotional and much younger poet, Żaneta. The divorce has been completed, but both Jurek and Żaneta keep on interfering in Lena’s life. Lena grins and bears it for the sake of the children. She wants to have a break from men, so she doesn’t seek a new love. Life can be tricky though and Lena will soon run into someone who used to have a special place in her heart. As well as love, this person will also bring some chaos into her life.
As opposed to her personal life in which things often get out of hand, Lena keeps a firm grip on her professional role. She embodies professionalism and kind care for clients, and refuses to give up even on seemingly hopeless cases. Each case involves dramatic stories, complex relationships, difficult emotions and serious life problems. Those who turn to Lena for help include spouses seeking divorce, parents battling over child custody, even children suing adults. In her difficult work Lena is supported by Krystyna, who runs her office and is the good charm of the firm. Both professionally and privately, Lena has strong opinions and does not hesitate to point out when ‘the emperor is naked’.
The central character is played by theatre, film and television actress Izabella Bukowska (a Polski Theatre actress familiar to TV audiences from Wspólna Street, The Colors of Happiness and The Clan, and to cinema lovers from The History of Cinema in Popielawy by J.J. Kolski ). Other cast members include Piotr Wiszniowski (First Love, Wspólna Street, The Clan) as Jurek, Andrzej Pieńko (Friends, L for Love, Officers) as Maciek, Marta Termena (First Love, Father Matthew) as Żaneta, Ludmiła Warzecha as Krystyna (The Art of Loving, Bodo, Life Line) and two talented teenage actors, Natalia Idzikiewicz (Lucky Me) as Aśka and Jakub Dyniewicz (Wspólna Street) as Wojtek.
The show is produced by ATM GRUPA for TV4.
Lena Barska will debut on October 1 and then air on Sundays at 10 p.m. and Fridays at 8 p.m.