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HBO confirms the third season of “Wataha” (The Pack)

HBO has confirmed the launch of preparations for the shooting of season 3 of “Wataha”.
On the set we will once again see Leszek Lichota, Aleksandra Popławska, Andrzej Zieliński, Dagmara Bąk, Maciej Mikołajczyk, Jacek Lenartowicz, Jarosław Boberek, Mariusz Saniternik, Andrzej Konopka, and Piotr Żurawski. The shooting is scheduled to begin in February next year.

“The border between Ukraine and Poland, which is an EU frontier, keeps inspiring us. Besides, our Bieszczady mountains are just fascinating and beautiful. We’re going there again, because where else could we shoot the third season? Once more, it’s going to be eerie and unpredictable. Ahead of us are several months of hard work”, says Bogumił Lipski, the show’s producer representing HBO.
“We are happy to once again enjoy the exceptional scenery of the Bieszczady range. Here,we will complete the third season of one of our most popular series”, adds Johnathan Young VP for original programming and production at HBO Central Europe.

The people behind the script for the show’s third season are Piotr Szymanek (head writer), Katarzyna Tybinka and Marta Szymanek. The HBO-appointed producers are Bogumił Lipski and Izabela Łopuch (executive producer). The supervising producer representing HBO Europe is Johnathan Young. The producer on the ATM GRUPA side is Andrzej Muszyński.

Both previous seasons of “Wataha” are available on HBO GO.


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