ATM grupa


FM PRO and Ministry of Finance promote standard audit file

The Polish Ministry of Finance has commissioned UNIQUE ONE consortium and FM PRO (ATM Grupa) to script and shoot a commercial for a campaign set up to promote the Standard Audit File. The campaign launches on 6 November and is aimed at micro-enterprises.

Starting January 1, 2018, about 1.6 million micro-entrepreneurs will join the VAT taxpayers required to keep digital records for VAT purposes (a file with VAT sales and purchases) and send them to the Tax Office in a Standard Audit File (JPK_VAT).

The Standard Audit File includes a set of sales and purchase information from VAT records for a given period. It must be submitted in digital form by the 25th of the month for the previous month. The Ministry of Finance encourages micro-enterprises to start sending in Standard Audit Files in 2017 to find out what the requirement involves. In addition, when filing tax returns for October, November and December 2017, each company may have their VAT refunded for up to 25 days instead of 60 days.

The Ministry of Finance’s campaign targeting micro-enterprises will span television (TVP, Polsat, TVN), radio and Internet. In addition, a dedicated infoline has been launched at the National Revenue Information Center. For full information, contact any revenue office or head to

The campaign is being run by UNIQUE ONE consortium and FM PRO (ATM Grupa). UNIQUE ONE scripted the ad, while FM PRO shot and produced it. The commercial, directed by Marcin Męczkowski, stars Kinga Krasuska, Szymon Michalewicz and Mateusz Bernardyn.


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