In October 2017, Comedy Central is launching a new entertainment show, Drunk History, that has inebriated celebrities re-tell Polish history. The show is produced by ATM GRUPA.
Drunk History will have Polish celebrities sip drinks in front of the cameras and then narrate events of Polish history. The stories will be enacted by actors dressed in period garb who will be lip-synching the dialogue. Drunk History will star actors, celebrities, influencers, cabaret stars and stand-up comedians, including Katarzyna Kołeczek and Bartek Kasprzykowski (who will appear in the first episodes). The actors enacting the stories will include Piotr Cyrwus, Mirosław Baka and Rafał Mohr. The show is based on the American format of the same name, which debuted on Comedy Central in 2008. The format has been adapted in many countries worldwide, including the UK, Brazil, Argentina and Hungary.
The Polish version of the reality show is set to premiere in October 2017 on Comedy Central. Drunk History is executively produced by ATM GRUPA.