A new original documentary series, Comics: The Superhero of Communist Poland, produced by ATM GRUPA for Canal+ Discovery, will take viewers on a journey to a not-so-distant past to explore the world of communist Poland through the eyes of comic book creators and their characters such as: Tytus, Romek and A’Tomek; Captain Żbik; Kajko and Kokosz; and Yans.
In an era of empty store shelves and soul-crushing grayness, these characters took readers’ minds off the tedium of everyday existence and allowed them to travel to the vibrant, colorful world of comics.
Each episode of the show will portray the life of a comic artist and present their perspective on life in communist Poland including via often surprising recollections. The series will showcase cult comic artists such as Papcio Chmiel, Szarlota Pawel, Janusz Christa, Tadeusz Baranowski and Grzegorz Rosiński.
The first episode of the show, Papcio Chmiel, is set to premiere on Friday July 7 at 8:30 p.m. on Canal+ and on Tuesday July 11 on Canal+ Discovery.