Agnieszka Koniecka
Creative Producer
She has been cooperating with ATM Grupa since 2015. She was responsible for the production of, among others: "Wheel of Fortune" („Koło Fortuny”), "Say Yes to the Dress” („Salon Sukien Ślubnych”), "Ordinary Hero" („Zwykły Bohater”) or "Inside family businesses" („Tak się kręcą rodzinne interesy”). She had previously worked with TVN where she had been the producer of many editions of entertainment shows, including: "Happy Family Plan" („Chwila Prawdy”), "I’ll Do Anything for You" („Dla Ciebie Wszystko”), "My Blood" („Moja Krew”) which became hits. She was also responsible for "Dancing with the Stars" („Taniec z Gwiazdami”), which she had been creating from the very beginning. The program became an undisputed hit in the history of television with a record number of viewers. As a producer of "Dancing with the Stars", she was nominated for the Andrzej Woyciechowski award - one of the most prestigious journalism awards in Poland.