Dorota Michalak-Kurzewska
Member of the Supervisory Board
Co-founder of ATM Grupa S.A. and Topacz Investments Sp. z o.o. An experienced entrepreneur and coach. She holds higher education degrees from Polish Open University in Warsaw and Oxford Brookes University in Oxford (MBA). She continually pursues education in various fields and recently completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
at Telewizja Echo in Wrocław,
at TVP Wrocław as a journalist-presenter,
at ATM Total Vision s.c. in Wrocław as a manager,
President of the Management Board at ATM Sp. z o.o.,
Since 2002
co-founder of Topacz Investments Sp. z o.o. and creator of the "Zamek Topacz" hotel near Wrocław,
Since 2003
associated with the company as a managing person, serving as Vice President of the Management Board and later as a proxy, Co-manager and then member of the Supervisory Boards at ATM System Sp. z o.o., ATM Studio Sp. z o.o., and ATM Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. - subsidiaries of ATM Grupa S.A.