Dorota Danielak
Creative producer
She has been cooperating with ATM Grupa since 2015, and she has been working in the media since 1994. She started working as a journalist in the radio, and after a few years she worked as a documentary filmmaker / reporter / producer, and then as a creative producer for TVN and TVN Religia. "Borders" („Granice”), "Viewfinder" („Wizjer”), "Viewfinder Extra" („Superwizjer”), "In the Dark Circle" („W mrocznym kręgu”), "People on the Road" („Ludzie w drodze”), "The Interlocutor" („Rozmównica” ) - these are just a few titles on which she worked. Then, working for several years as an independent producer, she co-produced and co-directed documentaries and entertainment programs, including the series "Eat Alaska" („Zjedz Alaskę”), "Eat Russia" („Zjedz Rosję”), "Eat Cambodia" („Zjedz Kambodżę”), and "Scrap List" („Szrot lista”) for Polsat Play. At ATM Grupa, she is responsible for the creation of several documentary series. For Canal+ Discovery, she produced, among others: "Inventors of the Future" („Wynalazcy przyszłości”), "Inventors of the Future 2" („Wynalazcy przyszłości 2”), "Success Knows no Boundaries" („Sukces nie zna granic”), "Success knows no Boundaries 2" („Sukces nie zna granic 2”), "For myself, For the World" („Dla siebie, Dla świata”), "Small Countries, Great sport" („Małe Kraje, Wielki Sport”) , "Poles by Choice 2" („Polacy z Wyboru 2”). For the Polsat station - "Prison" („Więzienie”), "Women’s Prison" („Więzienie kobiet”), for the History Channel - five series of the "Gold of the Baltic" (Złoto Bałtyku”), for CBS Reality - the series "Criminal Files of Inspector Biskupska" („Kryminalne Akta Inspektor Biskupskiej”) and "Criminal Files of Inspector Biskupska 2" („Kryminalne Akta Inspektor Biskupskiej 2”), and for the Viaplay platform - "The Secrets of Polish Murders" („Tajemnice Polskich Morderstw”) series.