ATM grupa


Krzysztof Ibisz to play 40-year-old virgin in First Love

New episodes of series “First Love” (produced by ATM Grupa S.A.) will feature Krzysztof Ibisz, a well-known game show host and television personality, as a 40-year-old virgin, the quintessential mama’s boy.

Ibisz is to portray Ireneusz Piotr Bisztyga, a shy, buttoned-up, bespectacled man led by the hand by his overprotective mother. Irek is scared of other people and finds it hard coping with new situations. He will fall for marriage impostor Aurelia and get engaged to her. In the name of boundless love, he will blindly trust the cunning woman and give her all his savings. Aurelia will also ensnare another “First Love” character, Śmiałek.

In addition, Krzysztof Ibisz will appear in other ATM Group productions including an offbeat role in “Kiepski’s World”. Watch this space for more.


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