“Druga szansa” (Second Chance), a new TVN drama series with Małgorzata Kożuchowska in the lead role, begins production on November 3. The series, which is ATM Grupa’s first production for TVN, is slated to air in spring 2016.
The production team will include Dorota Kośmicka-Gacke (ATM Grupa), Adrianna Przetacka (TVN) and Marta Grela-Gorostiza (supervising producer). Dorota Kośmicka-Gacke’s production credits include such hits as “The Nanny” (Niania) and “Kasia and Tomek” (Kasia i Tomek). Adrianna Przetacka was a producer of “Come Dine with Me” (Ugotowani). Marta Grela-Gorostiza has produced the series “Recipe for Life” (Przepis na życie) and TVN’s latest movie, “Letters to M.2” (Listy do M.2).
“Druga szansa” reveals the bright and dark sides of show business. The central character, Monika (Małgorzata Kożuchowska), is a go-getting producer and celebrity agent. She goes from strength to strength in both her professional and personal life – she has a plum job, a well-connected fiancé with whom she runs a business (Rafał Królikowski) and no flops to her name. When disaster strikes on her 40th birthday she loses everything. Who will help her when she hits rock bottom? Who will prove to be a true friend when she is down on her luck?
The series, helmed by Michał Gazda, will feature a glittering array of stars: Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Maja Ostaszewska, Wojciech Mecwaldowski, Bartłomiej Świderski and Rafał Królikowski. Shooting begins on November 3. The series is set to premiere on TVN in March 2016.