ATM grupa


The Unforgettable ‘90s kicks off today!

Who wore wedge heels and who sported a shell suit and white socks? Why did we listen to Eurodance and visit Internet cafes? What was the crown cap craze and how was it like to live without a mobile phone? These and many other questions about the cult 1990s receive interesting and tongue-in-cheek answers in the show Niezapomniane lata 90. (The Unforgettable 90s).

The series has 10 episodes, each addressing a different topic, ranging from fashion to music, television, politics, culture and show biz, and featuring plenty of archive footage, partly contributed by members of the public. Among the guests, who share their memories of growing up, creating and working in the 1990s, are Kasia Kowalska, Jerzy Owsiak, Robert Gawliński, Lidia Popiel, Wojciech Pijanowski, Tomasz Raczek and Norbi. They are joined by experts including music journalists, pop culture commentators and sociologists.

The show is produced by Discovery Networks and executively produced by ATM Grupa S.A.

The premiere episodes of Niezapomniane lata 90. air on CANAL+ DISCOVERY every Tuesday at 8 p.m. from March 15.


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