ATM grupa


9. miesiąc: a new series for TV4

9. miesiąc (Ninth Month) is a new series produced by ATM Grupa S.A. for TV4 (Czwórka). Slated to air this spring, the series features emotional and twist-filled stories about future parents who await the birth of a baby, the watershed moment in their lives.

9. miesiąc (Ninth Month) presents emotional stories of parents-to-be, filled with joys and hopes, anxieties and worries, tough decisions and challenges. Each episode presents a story that culminates in the birth of a child. But before this happens, many unexpected events might occur, often turning the world of the characters on its head. Cheating, family conflicts, long-hidden truths, brake-ups and make-ups – all these happen or come to light when a couple finds out there is a baby on the way. However, viewers are also offered hope that the parents can put the problems behind for the sake of their child.

Filming is set to begin in January in Warsaw.



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