ATM grupa


Echo24 Press conference

A press conference for a new Wrocław-based TV channel, Echo24, was held at ATM Grupa headquarters.

Echo24 TV continues the tradition of Poland’s and the Eastern bloc’s first private television channel PTV Echo, which operated in Wrocław in the 1990s. The mission of Echo24 TV is to broadcast local news, address issues relevant to the residents of Wrocław and its environs, and air live shows such as Poranek z Echo TV (Morning with Echo TV) and Pod wieczór (In the Evening), which are already running. The channel is available from the terrestrial digital TV service and a number of cable TV networks in Wrocław and in the region.

The conference was attended by media from TVN and Gazeta Wyborcza, Echo24 TV’s Supervisory and Executive Boards members, the channel’s production team and representatives of ATM Grupa S.A., which co-owns the channel.


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