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Book about the making of Ranczo/The Ranch series hits the shelves!

Ranczo. Kulisy serialu wszech czasów (The Ranch: The Inside Story of the Making of the Series of All Time), the eagerly awaited book about the making of Ranczo/The Ranch is now available online and in bookstores throughout Poland!

Who invented the two Koziołs? How did Marta Chodorowska find out she won the audition to play the mayor’s daughter? How to film racy scenes? How to put together a shooting schedule? Who are the most loyal fans of Ranczo/The Ranch? Which characters, previously inseparable, do not appear together on screen in the 10th season of the series (now airing on TVP1)?

The authors of the book, Ela Piotrowska and Marta Lipecka, took up the challenge of writing on a show about which so much has been written and said that many might wonder if anything truly new can be added. But such fears are unfounded. The book Ranczo. Kulisy powstania serialu wszech czasów offers some previously unpublished stories about the making of the series, including excerpts from the correspondence between the writer, producer and director, funny stories from the set and interviews with the creators, all accompanied by photos. While writing the book, Ela and Marta went behind the scenes to get exclusive access to the crew.

The authors try to capture the great atmosphere on and off the set and the emotions of the series’ numerous fans. They also seek to answer the question why Wilkowyje (the film name of Jeruzal) and the other shooting locations draw flocks of fans from many corners of the world and how a previously unknown village has become a tourist attraction.

The book is now available online and in bookstores throughout Poland.


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