Jadwiga Dziuma
Head of Production
Associated with ATM GRUPA (Baltmedia/Profilm) since 2013. Production manager of narrative projects such as „Absolutni debiutanci”, „Echo Serca”, „Jak zostać gwiazdą” and ‚Receptura” (awarded a bronze medal by Effie Awards Poland 2022 in the Branded Content category). In addition to narrative projects, she has also worked on entertainment programs such as „Koło fortuny” (Wheel of Fortune), „Hipnoza”, „Undressed – randka w łóżku" and „Salon Sukien Ślubnych. Polska”. She has also contributed to productions such as „Stulecie Winnych”, „Kamienie na szaniec”, „Ambassada”, „Kołysanka”, „Felix, Net i Nika oraz teoretycznie możliwa katastrofa” and „Yuma."