ATM grupa


ATM System: Emotional Lighting ASC-PSC workshop

In early march the ATM STUDIO headquarters in Wał Miedzeszyński street was the venue of the Emotional Lighting ASC-PSC workshop involving a number of outstanding cinematographers. Both Polish and international DP’s delivered classes for their younger colleagues.

The following cinematographers accepted our invitation:

Philippe Rousselot ASC, AFC (A river runs through it)
Shelly Johnson ASC, (Captain America, Jurassic Park 3)
Jacek Laskus ASC, PSC (The whole Shebang, The Devil’s Arithmetic)
Radek Ładczuk PSC (The Babadook, Jesteś Bogiem, Sala Samobójców)
Arek Tomiak PSC (Karbala, Obława)
Jerzy Zieliński ASC, PSC (Plac Waszyngtona, Dreszcze)

During the first four days experienced DP’s and young directors shot acted scenes with set designs. On each day each of the scenes would be filmed twice: by an American cinematographer and by a Polish one. The whole initiative, originated by the Polish Society of Cinematographers and supported by its Polish partners, ATM SYSTEM and ATM STUDIO among others, proved a big success.


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ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników opłat za udział w programach ani castingach.

W związku z docierającymi do nas wiadomościami o próbach podszywania się pod ATM Grupa S.A. informujemy, że ATM GRUPA S.A. nie pobiera od uczestników i potencjalnych uczestników ŻADNYCH opłat za udział w programach czy castingach do tych programów.

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